Wednesday, September 22, 2010

territte tips

hello mon, i am territte phil. well todays lesson is bout evil bubble buses mon. thet are very bad mons. thetwill eat you alive mon. the only safe place to hide from them is the squid, which you will learn bout later mostlikey with territte phyillis. ok  now the rule on bubble buses. mon
1. do not befriend them the are bad. mon
2. do not give them candy under any sircomstances mon
3. run at the sight of them mon
4. never ever ever ever erver ever ever ever ever talk to them they very bad very very very very very very very bad   mon

ok well if you follow these rules you will  be safe from the bubble buses. remeber mon squid is safe

Saturday, August 14, 2010

To all you begginer territtes specimons

Hello Mon's. So I see you creatures feel skilled enough to join territte association. Well then here are some tips from us territtes. You know territte to territte. Tip monber one, always...wait, never look at territtes in the eyes... But with your heart of territte pride! And another tip for you Mon's. Always use your territte accent and always procrastinate. Oh, got to go Mon. Territte Phyllis out.